
Here are a few that I liked, we can combine the ideas if you'd like as I've done something like that with another person. Btw some of these are mainly angst because I'm a sucker for angst but fluff can be added as I'm a sucker for that too. :)
          It’s Not You:
          Oc and crush deside to go on a mission together. Oc both think that it will be a rather easy task. But the thing is there isn’t a lot of information on the guy and it proves that he is stronger than oc thinks. He has the ability to control crushes mind and get him/her to start fighting oc. After a heated battle crush manages to push oc off the edge because oc refused to fight back. When oc awakes they are in the hospital with crush beside them. How will crush be able to come to grips with what he/she has done? 
          Crush and oc were having a nice day out. But soon that nice day will come to an end. Crush and oc get into an accident and oc get badly hurt and crush isn’t as bad but still has a couple of scratches. The accident will cause a life changing thing to happen to oc. But oc is presented with a choice. Start all over before the accident happened but no longer have crush as a lover in their life or keep the life changing consequence just to keep crush by their side? The choice is theirs.
          Not the Same: 
          Oc had went on a job despite protests from Crush by themselves. It was oc's way of proving that they were strong. However, they had been taken captive and tortured, trying to get them to reveal all of their affiliations secrets. If it hadn't been for crush coming to the rescue who would have known how long they would have been there for. And what all would have happened. In one form another oc has lost something (eyesight, limb, etc).


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@Beloved_Rachel Alex grimaced when the bat humanoid walked into the pub her sent smacked him in the face as soon as she walked in Alex did a good job hiding his expression but Timmy was a different story he showed his dissatisfaction immediately by covering his nose Alex chuckled seeing Timmy cover his nose " you know that won't work it never has " Timmy grumbled " well maybe it will one day I won't know unless I try" alex raised an eyebrow at his reply but shrugged Timmy finished off the rest of his chips and downed the shots of whiskey quickly hoping it would weaken his senses while Alex was downing his beer trying to do the same until he put his beer down and grumbled along with Timmy when he remembered he still had a job to do " come on lets check the back " Timmy gave Alex a side eye and shook his head than pointed at the two bartenders " its better not to cause a commotion and I'm pretty sure the lady you were flirting with is are suspect after the alcohol smell left her she smelled slot like the office Tony made us check out Alex held his temples " and you decided to tell me know " Timmy smirked " well why the fuck did you think I had a look of disbelief on my face earlier I couldn't confirm it until a bit earlyer when the place started to clear out plus she is basically are only Lea right now and we're going to lose her if we don't follow her" alex sighed " you know , I don't think I like you that much when you drink" Timmy gasped " oh how you wound me with your words" alex picked up his beer and downed it in one go before looking in the spider lady direction seeing her going over to talk with the bat lady and sighed again " well looks like we're going to be here longer than you thought judging from her clothing change she's heading some were with a friend" alex sat back down on the opposite side of timmy.


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@Wolfvivian The humanoid spider came back into the main area of the bar, she was off the clock now. She was just waiting for the person who usually took the shift at 1 pm. It usually didn't take long for her to get there so hopefully she'd make it short and Angel wouldn't have to wait. She sat at a bar stool, it wasn't like she had much to do, she could go talk with the customers or she could just sit there waiting for her co-worker. She had forgotten about the fact Alex had asked for her number, either way she didn't have a phone so there'd be no point to try and give him a number she didn't have. Phones were pretty new in this day and age, she wasn't sure how much a phone costed but she could check it out when she's in town. She looked up towards the door when she heard someone walk through, it was her co-worker. Fucking finally, she had stayed after for around 4 whole minutes. Her co-worker was a bat, well a humanoid bat. She had short white hair along with dark-ish skin, her color scheme was mainly oranges, browns, sort of warm colors. Her name was Valencia, a bit of a weird name but it could be worse.
            ( Valencia:


@Beloved_Rachel after Alex finished the ribs he looked down at the address of the paper he pulled out of his pocket after using napkins to wipe his fingers clean he noticed the suspect was still in the bar  Timmy took notice of him looking at the paper " to be honest I completely forgot about that" alex face palmed "of course you would and of course you couldn't forget to drag me along with your narrow mindedness and make me almost forget as well " Timmy frowned " hey at least I managed to eat more ribs than you" alex sighed " that isn't even know what forget about it"


A male with short 'n fluffy black hair along with deep black eyes, was on there way to school, he was trying to be early so that he could get things ready for his Martial Arts Club. Some knew him as Budo Masuta while others just knew him as a stranger or as the Martial Arts Club leader. But he was more than that, he was a brother, a son, and a friend but most importantly, he was a stalker and a murderer. As much as he would deny it, it was true. He was nothing but a murderer that killed for love, if he found out the one he had eyes for liked someone else or that someone liked them, he wouldn't hesitate to murder the person they liked or the one who liked them. In this case the one he had eyes for was none other than Ayami Kimura, for as long as he could remember he had only liked her, she was the only one who had actually made him feel loved despite his parents and siblings attempts. She was the one to make him feel special, and due to that he had fallen for her, he wanted to be the only thing she cared for, the only thing she loved. He didn't matter what it took or how long it took, as long as she became his.


@Beloved_Rachel  Ayato smiled when Akuma took a seat next to him " its been going pretty well, how about yours " Ayato pulled his bento out of his bag and opened it to reveal a brownie and cookie along with a ham sandwich with ketchup on it he than pulled out a water Bootle and drank some water before starting to eat his sandwich.
            Umeji grumbled when she didn't have a strong reaction like her was expected " why thank you I do try " his lips tugged up into a small smile when he saw she was pissed " dont expect this to happen again" I only did this because you wouldn't you wimp"  he removed his hand from the the handkerchief when Ren held it onto her nose herself Umeji closed the rubbing alcohol and put it back into his bag he then pulled the Twix out of the bag and started eating it in front of it in front of her after he closed his bag.
            Ayami grumbled " you know exactly what I want Ayami how could you just leave like that I know I cheated on you but you can't just change to schools to avoid me" Ayami scowled " Jeff if this the only reason you called me I'm hanging up" Jeff gave a fake gasp as he heard her " oh how you wound me,any who I'm calling to let you know I want to get back together" Ayami grit her teeth " and why would I want to get back with a scumbag like you" Jeff grew an amused tone as he replied to her " because you still love me and I can get you anything you want remember " after Jeff had said that Ayami hung up on him Ayami punched the bathroom stall wall and walked out her face was red with anger but she had no one to blame but her self she should of never started dating him in the first place she should of never gave him a chance with her she sighed and tried to calm herself down she walked out of the stall and put her phone in her pocket as she stood in front of a sink as she looked at herself in the mirror " pathetic " she whispered as she saw small tears in the corner of her eye.


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@Wolfvivian Budo watched as Ayami walked off, someone was calling her. Who was it? A friend? A guy? There was many possibilities. He closed the bento box and followed after her, eavesdropping on her conversation with curiosity. He didn't mean to do it but he couldn't help himself, curiosity was like a drug, an addictive one at that. He was careful not to be spotted, he stood outside the girls restroom, refusing to go in as that'd be a very large invasion of privacy.
            A loud hiss came from Ren as their nose was snapped back into place, they tried to keep themselves for shouting. "Fucker..." They muttered, their nose in pain. At least it was no long dislocated, once they calmed down from the pain. They panted quietly from the pain, they could breath out of their nose now without it hurting too much. Their expression wasn't much like how he was thinking, it was just a pissed off expression. They refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing their pained face, "you're an asshole. But thanks, I guess." They mumbled out, their ears were down and their tail gripping the bench leg as if it was gonna break it.
            Akuma took a seat next to him, a slight smile on her face. It was nice to spend time with him even if they didn't interact a bunch. "So, how's your day been?" She asked, unsure what to talk about at the moment.


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@Beloved_Rachel Ayami's phone started ringing as she pulled it out of her bag she noticed she caller was her ex ayami's frown deepened when she remembered how he treated her " I have to take this ill be right back" Ayami closed her lunch up and stood up she put her lunch on the bench and walked over to the bathroom Ayami was relieved to see no one in their as she got into a bathroom stall her phone started going off again with the same caller she picked up " What do you want " she frowned with how she shuttered on her words.
            Umeji huffed " you would like that wouldn't you" he said with a bit of an annoyed tone Umeji stood up and walked over to her he then sat next to her and pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and some rubbing alcohol out of his bag he also pulled a Twix out and handed her the Twix that was in a bag with ice surrounding it " you will probably want to bite down on this " he smirked as she grew a confused look in her eye 
            Umeji opened the rubbing alcohol  and  put some on the handkerchief and before she could react Umeji's put his hands on her nose and snapped it back into place before shoving the handkerchief onto it pressing hard to get the bleeding to stop and his face had  shit eating grin on it waiting to see how her face will contort in pain.
            Ayato's smile grew bigger " of course that was actually were I was heading as well " ayato noticed how she shuttered and found it quite cute he started walking along side Akuma to the cherry blossom tree and sat down by the trunk of the tree he padded the stop next to him trying to get her to sit next to him.


Katsuki blushed at the reminder, right they had a date tonight. School and such had got them so busy that they weren't able to go on that date when they had told each other. "Yep, is there any specific place you'd like to go to?" Katsuki asked, his face finally calming down after a couple of minutes, but he was still pretty flustered. He walked with her as they made their way to the exit, however it was.pretty packed. Then again it was like that everyday.
          Kanna sighed as she saw her brother bolt out the door, knowing him he probably left to a cat café or something cat related. He had always loved cats, she couldn't blame him, cats were absolutely adorable so fluffy, definitely made a good cuddle partner. Dogs always made good cuddle partners when they're fluffy and not energetic. Kanna had already got her stuff packed so she started heading home, she'd see her twin later when he came back home.
          Izuku let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, today was long, very long. He sort of just wanted to pass out on spot but he had stuff to do like homework and continue writing in his notebook. He out the notebook in his backpack, after packing up he put his backpack on and left, heading towards the exit to head home. He couldn't wait to see him mother, she was nice and he wanted to know how her day was, he knew her job could be pretty long at times.
          Tensei had heard the sound of his phone going off, he picked it up after he looked at the collar ID. It was his brother. He signed softly, as soon as he picked up he was immediately met with the sound of his younger brothers voice. He listened as his brother talked, "Okay. I'll be waiting for you, sorry we weren't able to finish our conversion." He mumbled, soon enough they had hung up. He'd see Tenya when he got home.


@Wolfvivian (forgot to mention but Katsuki having glasses is a head canon of mine, also here's the inspiration of Katsuki's outfit )


@Wolfvivian Katsuki was dressed in a relatively casual outfit, the date wasn't something that was gonna be really formal or anything, instead it was just a casual date. He wore a simple black turtleneck sweater along with a dull blue coat, and a pair of blue jeans with black shoes. He would have gone and picked Quinn up but she had insisted on picking him up, probably because driving would be faster than walking. Katsuki preferred to walk as it gave him time to look around, but he was fine with being picked up. He put his glasses on, instead of wearing contacts like he usually did. 
            There wasn't much for Kanna to really do, perhaps go to the gym? It'd give her something to do, and make her feel less useless at the moment. She sighed softly, she had already made it home so she'd just have to change, if her father complained about her being absent then he'd just have to find her himself.
            Tensei was running a bit late for the meeting with his brother, something had came up but it was nothing he wasn't able to handle. He made his way into the drive way, he parked the car and turned it off. Soon enough he got out of the car, there wasn't anything he needed to grab other than his keys so he'd be fine to go inside.


Respective houses


I read the first chapter of 'monster.' It has potential, and I'd like to see where you go with the subject. 
          A suggest, to make it easier for other readers, if you would break up the mega paragraph at the end, it would be easier to digest. 
           I can't wait to read the next chapter. 


@gokuismybf Thank you for your feed back I am still learning ❤


@Wolfvivian Thank you so, so much for the vote on my 5th Hero story! It really means a whole lot to me as a writer to know you're at least a little interested in one of my works! If you have any questions, concerns, or just want to spark a friendly conversation, please don't hesitate to leave me a message or a comment. I always respond A.S.A.P! Thanks again and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story!