
Hello guys. I’m currently rewriting my very first book because it’s really cringy and I don’t like the way how I wrote it. Time from time I’ll be writing the other books I have so yea. Anyways stay safe. Stay home unless you need to go out for necessary things like grocery shopping. Practice social distancing, wash your hands and clean your phones when you come home from work or outside! 
          	Love ya and thank you for reading my books. 


Hello guys. I’m currently rewriting my very first book because it’s really cringy and I don’t like the way how I wrote it. Time from time I’ll be writing the other books I have so yea. Anyways stay safe. Stay home unless you need to go out for necessary things like grocery shopping. Practice social distancing, wash your hands and clean your phones when you come home from work or outside! 
          Love ya and thank you for reading my books. 


Hello everyone! I hope everyone is going do and staying safe out there. With the virus going on my schools been closed for a month and 5 days. I do have a week without doing online classes so that’s when I’ll try to update more. Currently I have new chapters for my 3 books. I hope you enjoy them. 
          Also make sure you wash your hands, clean your phone, wear a mask just in case, and avoid large groups of ppl. Let’s stay safe and keep everyone health. 
          Love ya! 


Hello there! Just a really quick update. Updates are really slow due to school, homework and my internship every Thursdays. I’m doing my best to have these chapters up and currently I’m working on my cashby, frerard, Andy Biersack fanfic and my other book involving band members. Sorry for the delays. They’re coming soon I promise! As of now I’m editing and rewriting my frerard book. 
          Stay hydrated 
          - Wolfie


Hello people! So sorry I haven’t been here in a long ass time but a lot has been going on. Ive been dealing with school, stress, college applications and family. I lost motivation to write but I got it back! I’m working on 3 books as of now. A new chapter of MKIBC (my knight in black converse) is going to get writing today or tomorrow, and 2 new books are getting written. An Andy Biersack fanfic and a fiction with added band members in them. So I hope u all enjoy them and I am gonna rewrite Is This The End Of Us because it is so cringy and I wrote that when I was a sophomore. Thank you for being patient with me and thank you for reading my books. Hopefully you like them. Also happy holidays! Love ya!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Hi guys. Long time no hear right? So I just uploaded a one shot called To The Stage. Please check it out and leave feedback. Lemme know if you like it or not and please excuse the cover. I know it’s shitty lmfao. But yea. I’ll put out a new chapter of MKIBC soon. Much love!!! 


Sup people! I'm back and I'm excited to start writing again! I'm going to upload whenever I have time and I will have 2 new books up. A Perrentes and a Cashby! Both books will be up by next month. Covers are by me and hope ur excited for the book release! As of now I am going to be continuing writing my Ryden book! Alrighty. Later peeps!