
Hey guys uhhh…im alive :). What’s up! How have yall been?


Hey ! How's your summer going? 
          Mine is pretty boring honestly haha 
          But i hope is your better
          How is the overall mood?


I'm sorry that I didn't answer for a long time. Thank you and of course, without any problems at all, I still had nothing to do, so it was even nice for me to do something nice to someone)


@Zoebttoblover I really appreciate you checking out my channel and my other stories! Your support is greatly appreciated! I use writing and making music as a fun hobby and I hope to get better at both as I keep going. No matter the genre of music or story. Also I wish you the best as well with all of your endeavors and hopefully we both find success whatever we choose to pursue!


My my, you've found yourself a new fan, because I love mostly any kind of music, even instrumental and remixed beats. I usually choose according to my mood, but I sometimes do genre too. Oh yes, don't worry, I'll keep your anonymity, maybe you'll even notice me from the comments haha
             oh and I wish you the same with success with work, may we succeed. By the way, I read your other stories, they turned out very cute and adorable, i like them too) but still my favourite is btto one)
            I wish you good luck with all difficulties ❤️


@Fletchmiester *Sings* I know I’m Not alone!! *laughs*
          Music is gonna kill me later. Getting distracted into VArious other fandoms *insert laughing emoji*


Oh I’ve noticed you’ve gotten involved in other communities. That’s really interesting. I’m looking forward in reading what you publish. Also I plan on putting out a new chapter on my story soon, because it has definitely been a while


Hey guys. I know it’s been a LOOONG time since I’ve said much or updated my story. I’ll be honest, I took a long break just to try some new things and get some more inspiration for my story. Sorry to leave you all in the dark for so long, but I’m planning on having another chapter out today. Hope it was worth waiting for 


@Fletchmiester thank U for all the great books


@Cheverestw yo thank you, man. I really appreciate that 


@Fletchmiester I loved all Ur books yo


Hey there @Fletchmiester !
          Hope ur doing good  Just was a little worried and amused by ur absence... if ur busy then I'm sorry for disturbing! If not, hope I'll be back in the move! Stay safe


Oh thank you for your concern. I’m doing fine right now I’ve just been taking a bit of a break and focusing on some other things. I really appreciate your worry but I’m fine and should be back sometime soon. I hope you’re doing good as well:)


Hey guys sorry. I’ve been super stumped about this whole thing. On one hand I could do a sequel now, but I feel like there should be a bigger distance between the sequel and the original, but on the other hand I could do a completely different story, but I don’t want you guys to forget about the one you just read.


Hey guys. I know I like literally just finished my last story, but for some reason I’m just in a big mood to start another one. I’m not quite sure what it’ll be though. I’m not sure if I want to jump straight to a sequel or not. I’ll keep y’all updated though.


@Fletchmiester  just write whatever you want to! I’ll be here to read it!


@Fletchmiester Hey as your story is so cool your sequel must be super cool! Please, don't miss it.


@Fletchmiester I can imagine you already rocking with another one of ya stories for sure! Gud luck