
Do you all enjoy my stories? Am I writing repetitive things? Please let me know any thoughts or suggestions


I tried posting something on my wall and tagging you, but apparently it doesn't work. 
          I just wanna say thank you, for your appreciation for the votes and reads on my story, "It was a Love Roller Coaster" I written one, but it was so long ago, I been getting back into my writing, so the reads and votes are helping me!! Thank you so much!!! And it helps my journalism grade as well. Thank you honey! Thank you for your boredum too ;) 


@deafgirlswag you're so welcome. I'm enjoying the story


Thanks for all the votes on Movie Star Memories. You stormed through those chapters. The next update is tomorrow.  :) I hope you're enjoying it.


@RElizabethM it's a really good book!


@madison8286 That's great feedback. Thanks so much for replying.  :)


@RElizabethM i am enjoying!! Can't wait to read


Here's what I got so far the story is called Facebook Angels.
          1: welcome to Facebook 
          *Jared Packadeli POV *
          I woke up that morning next to my new boyfriend. Seeing Jensen Ackles's smiling face next to me, gave me great joy in the mornings. After my divorce from my wife Genevieve. Jensen had been there for me. So after his divorce from his wife Danneel we decided to move in together. We stayed good friends with our exs. Both of us still spent alot of time with our kids. We do call each other Sam and Dean like our characters on Supernatural.
          I think that's what frist gave me the idea to start a fake Facebook. I woke up early one morning and my little Deanypoo was still asleep. So I decided to cruise social media on my phone. I soon became very bored. All I could do was chat to my famous friends.
          If I chatted with fans I know how that would go. Omg you're Jared Packadeli. You're really talking to me like Omg I can't believe it like #amazing. I just wanted to be like everyone else. I wanted to make new friends and talk to who I wanted to. 
          So I went to Facebook and clicked on create an account. I started one under the name Sam Winchester. I created the account like a shy 18 year old fan would.
          "Whatz up up Sammy u must a supernatural nut like me huh " A message from Spike Rocket age 16 read.
          "You could say that. I mean come on now that Jared Packadeli is a hottie. He's sweet and that puppyface of his can melt the coldest heart. ❤" I typed with a little chuckle and a smile.