
When tv intros have lyrics >>> 


Just got the newest Indiana Jones film on DVD. Now I have all 5! 


I like temple of doom and dial of destiny!


@-sunfliers | I think The Last Crusade. But I love them all in different ways 


My best friend, who's basically a sister to me and will forever be in my life, is talking with her ex. They ended things mutually as they weren't happy but they're slowly starting to talk again and see how things go. 
          But he's being very cautious because apparently he's afraid of me. I'm like 5'2 and a nerd and he's more like 6 foot but he finds me scary. Well, he should. Because if he hurts her again, I swear I'll kick his ass. No one messes with my BFFAEFLAD (Best friend forever and ever for life and death). Note: we made this up when we were like 10. 
          I honestly just find it amusing how he's scared of me. Probably because, in her words, I will always take priority in her life over any man. I love her so much 


My Power Rangers fic may not have received much love but I'm writing this fic for me, the readers are just a bonus.


@Winter326 that’s what writing is about! You do it for yourself not for others


Writing a fic for a movie can be so hard sometimes. When the script doesn't completely match the movie dialogue and then the transcript is just terrible. There are ways to get around that, most likely, but it's so much more effort.


@-rosepetal | I think I'm gonna use the script to figure out who says what in the terrible transcript as well as for descriptions. Not sure what else to do atm. I would use my dvd player with my laptop, but I don't have my laptop atm 


I kinda do both, have the script all ready and then watch the movie and add bits that the movie changed 


Update — Invisible String: In which Iris and Nya attempt to rescue Lloyd.
          This would have come out on Saturday but I knew I had to take ny laptop to be fixed so I decided to wait as this chapter was already to go, I just had to click publish.
          Also, tested out my temporary writting idea. It isn't the best, but it'll do.
          I just published "10 | ninja vs samurai" of my story "INVISIBLE STRING | ZANE".