
Hi I’m back


Hi I’m back


Haven’t said much in a bit, but I have news! My boyfriend of 1 1/2 years just broke up with me. Abruptly. Basically over text. And he said he just didn’t love me anymore. So if anyone has and good x-readers that are related to the fandoms I’m into (look at reading lists) please put some. And if I don’t talk much I’m the next coming days, it’s cause I’m in the dark thinking about what I could’ve done better. Have a lovely rest of your day/night/morning/evening.


@Awesomesauce_panda You're welcome :)
            You are  feel to PM  at anytime


@Awesomesauce_panda Oh good
            "Sending hugs"


To the thirty two people who are following me for some reason, I need advice. I’m in a relationship that has lasted 1 1/2 years. Even tho almost everyone has said it wouldn’t last. But lately I’ve felt like I’m always second to either his friends, a game, or something else. And im not sure what to do. Bc I’m too nice to say anything but I still want something to be done. Please help?


@Fandom_Writer_008 thank you, I will try that.


Well I would say try to talk to him about how your feeling, I was in a relationship myself that is similar in the way of we were together for two years but no one thought it would last, and in those two years we never went out once, I broke up with him in may because I got sick of never seeing or talking to him, the biggest problem we had was that we didn’t communicate how we were feeling, Which is why you should just be outright and say what you feel, if he really cares about you he’ll hear you out and you can work together to fix the problem but if not I would suggest to break up with him, you deserve better than to always be put second


Ok, I took a very long time away from Wattpad because I think I’m going to be Inactive for a very long while. I’m not sure when I’m gonna be back on here to write but I might read on here from time to time just to read and not really comment. I’m sorry if this inconveniences anyone. Goodbye. I wish you all well.


Let’s take a moment of silence for Alex “Technoblade”. He has impacted the lives of so many people and will be remembered. But he isn’t truly gone because, “Technoblade never dies”.


@ALBWesternAustralia he was a Minecraft streamer


@Awesomesauce_panda Who is  Alex “Technoblade”.


          Sorry for plugging in but I just want to recommend my series   
          You can give it a try if you have spare time. 
          Thank you in advance <3 

          I hope you find them interesting! 
          FOLLOW ME Vote, Comment, Share please
          It would be so much to me.
          I will dedicate a chapter to you when you put a comments on chapters 
          and I will mention you on the final book for thank you for comments,votes,Sharing my books
          Bye, Bye