
          	So you're girls was gonna be back, wrote a whole damn chapter, saved it many times!!!!!!! Had many problems trying to get pictures in and when I was just dubble checking so it was like with all my other chapters, I go back to just fix AND EVERYTHING IS GONE!! I HAVE BEEN WORKING ON THIS CHAPTER EVEN THO IT WAS SHORT BUT IT TOOK SOME TIME!!! AND NOW THERE NADA! NADA!!!! I swear this app hates me


          So you're girls was gonna be back, wrote a whole damn chapter, saved it many times!!!!!!! Had many problems trying to get pictures in and when I was just dubble checking so it was like with all my other chapters, I go back to just fix AND EVERYTHING IS GONE!! I HAVE BEEN WORKING ON THIS CHAPTER EVEN THO IT WAS SHORT BUT IT TOOK SOME TIME!!! AND NOW THERE NADA! NADA!!!! I swear this app hates me


Guys, I am working on "Little darling" but it takes time cause my brain is really slow and I'm trying not to make the chapters short. I hope you guys are staying safe! Stay healthy! And remember you are very much loved!!!♡~ 


Now if yall havent read My baby boy and my little prince writen by Hyunjins_hairbandd I don't know what yall are doing with your life honestly. My baby boy is the first book at my little prince is the other one. Best books I have ever read. GO AND READ NOW!!


          How are you, sweetie? Sorry to bother you! 
          I brought you my first fanfic written in English: NO MORE BETS [Bangchan x OC] 
          The Fanfic is being posted bi-weekly. I've just updated it and I'd like you to take a look at it and tell me what you expect, okay? Remember that I'm writing in English, but it's not my native language, so there are probably grammatical mistakes.
          I'll be waiting for you in the comments! ♥


          I just have a problem. I want to read some fanfiction's but I really can't find any good. I need some also because I really don't know what to write anymore. If you have any good, please recommend me some! In either Swedish or English! As long as it's either BL or Korean ish


          Jag ber så hemskt mycket om ursäkt för att jag inte har uppdaterat på länge men jag har fått "writer block"  Men jag hoppas att jag kan komma på mer snart igen!! Hoppas ni har en grym sommar för det förtjänar ni!! 


( Swedish!)
          Jag ber så mycket om ursäkt att ni har fått väntat på del 21! Men jag har släppt den nu! Jag ska försöka skriva mer på den men har bara fullt upp med den andra också! Jag skriver på den även fast ingen läser.... Skulle vara tacksam om ni skulle vilja läsa den också! Ni behöver verkligen inte! PS den är på Engelska! Men hoppas ni mår bra iallafall! // 


          Hey. I just wanted to say that non of my stories will be done BEFORE summer break. They will maybe be done during summer break but I'm not sure. Have a good break! (when you get it) //
          ( SWEDISH!)
          Hej. Jag vill bara säga att ingen av mina berättelser kommer bli klara FÖRE sommarlovet. Kanske under lovet men det kan jag inte låva. Ha ett bra sommarlov! ( när ni får det) //