
No idea who's gonna read this but I need to rant.
          	Hi, I've had this app since 2015 and after losing my first account and getting multiple others, going on and off, this one stuck with me. Needless to say I have grown with and have been part of this community which is a big part of my life. Seeing all the changes that it has gone through, it doesnt feel the same to me anymore yet Im still somewhat loyal to it as I use it sometimes and keep it pretty much in all the devices I've gotten.
          	Recently, I got a new follower and they DM'd me asking me if I would like to review a few chapters as I am a picky reader. Because I'm also a writer even if I dont write here anymore, I decided it would be best to check out the book itself after reading the first sample they sent me.
          	So just now I go to click the link they sent me, but notice that the chat is gone, the follow is gone, and I couldnt find the account. Its like it never happened, but it did and I happen to have proof of it. Sadly I can only recall the last part of the title of the book, it ended with "Bane" if Im not mistaken. 
          	But what blows my mind is the fact that the chat is gone, SINCE WHEN DOES THAT HAPPEN?! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO REVIEW A STORY IF I CANT EVEN FIND IT?! Mind you it hasnt been that long either, only like a day or two... 
          	If someone knows the book please send it to me? Its a story a about werewolves, a girl bumps into her mate who happens to be a guy who just returned and is the son of an alpha but shes technically a nobody and hates her life. Thats as far as I know, I was told it was rated #1 in paranormal which stuck to me as a question hence why I wanted to read it myself.
          	If anybody read this far; thank you for your time.


No idea who's gonna read this but I need to rant.
          Hi, I've had this app since 2015 and after losing my first account and getting multiple others, going on and off, this one stuck with me. Needless to say I have grown with and have been part of this community which is a big part of my life. Seeing all the changes that it has gone through, it doesnt feel the same to me anymore yet Im still somewhat loyal to it as I use it sometimes and keep it pretty much in all the devices I've gotten.
          Recently, I got a new follower and they DM'd me asking me if I would like to review a few chapters as I am a picky reader. Because I'm also a writer even if I dont write here anymore, I decided it would be best to check out the book itself after reading the first sample they sent me.
          So just now I go to click the link they sent me, but notice that the chat is gone, the follow is gone, and I couldnt find the account. Its like it never happened, but it did and I happen to have proof of it. Sadly I can only recall the last part of the title of the book, it ended with "Bane" if Im not mistaken. 
          But what blows my mind is the fact that the chat is gone, SINCE WHEN DOES THAT HAPPEN?! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO REVIEW A STORY IF I CANT EVEN FIND IT?! Mind you it hasnt been that long either, only like a day or two... 
          If someone knows the book please send it to me? Its a story a about werewolves, a girl bumps into her mate who happens to be a guy who just returned and is the son of an alpha but shes technically a nobody and hates her life. Thats as far as I know, I was told it was rated #1 in paranormal which stuck to me as a question hence why I wanted to read it myself.
          If anybody read this far; thank you for your time.


Hello love! I just started writing my new novel called Criminally Insane and I was wondering if you would check it out?


@ djdiamondmind1738  I apologize for the late response. I'll be more than happy to take a look at your book soon!


Greetings everyone! I know I haven't been online for a while nor have I updated any of my books. I'm really sorry for that but school is taking a toll on my persona, so the only progress I've done are very small.
          HOWEVER; I am happy to announce that I got a new book in the bucket in replacement for "I wasn't one" and this one might be to more people's liking, as I hope.
          Tittle won't be spoiled nor will the story will be published yet, but I'll be working on writing it under closed doors.
          STAY TUNED!


@ Magic-Moonlight  xD indeed you will




Shyael's Chronicles won't be having updates until my stress with school lessens, please, if you're enjoying the book, I'll keep posting small pieces of dialogs in the form of quotes in my Instagram. You can find me as agent07blue or silentwhispers; I hope it satisfies you guys enough until I can finish writing the 3rd Cinematic, which is half way done give and take, and I promise the wait will be worth it.
          THANK YOU!


@ Magic-Moonlight  ♥