Hey guys I just made a new book that I've been planning for a long time! The story is already planned out in my head so ill update it quite frequently. I am currently still working in my other 2 books but Id love to hear suggestions from you guys! Thanks for getting me to 100 followers! I love you all!!!


Hey guys I just made a new book that I've been planning for a long time! The story is already planned out in my head so ill update it quite frequently. I am currently still working in my other 2 books but Id love to hear suggestions from you guys! Thanks for getting me to 100 followers! I love you all!!!


Hello  everyone....Its been awhile. I'm sorry i havent been on but i broke my foot XD. I know that really isnt a good excuse but....I couldnt walk and i was in constant pain and really didnt feel like writing. On top of that school is back! Yay....8th grade for me! kill me please lol. But i am a straight A student so im constantly working! Please understand that i will update again but not until we get breaks! Love you guys and thank you for reading my stories!
          ~Caitlin C


@WiessRWBY same grade except b and c