
Hi everyone, first off I'm sorry for the inactivity. The school year has not been kind and the search for a college is honestly not making it much better. However, I decided on a few changes. First I'm discontinuing the Soldiers of Azur Lane rewrite, it's honestly hard to try and stay true to the original story while making a new scene. However, to make up for it, I've also decided to start a sequel to the original story. I thank you all for your patience with the horrible upload schedule and I hope you all the best. Thank you.


@White_Tiger_1987 Hey White can you make the story with GuP and Ace combat please
          	  the main character OC character please while you work on the other projects?


Hi Authur san sorry to interrupt your daily time.
          When will the next chapter Azur lane Peace time were 6 soldiers were got isekai to Azur lane.I only see chapter 1 where Kaito and Takao but what about others?


@Joewhitea They're in the works. Had to scrap some ideas because my rewrite hit a dead end.


Yo buddy still alive


@1randomlurker Alive, and busy. Been working on an original work so everything else has been slow. Still trying my best though. Sorry for the wait.


Hey Author hope you’re having a splendid day, just wanted to say that your book, “Thus The Reds And Blues Fought There” is a really good crossover and is interesting to read also are you continuing the series, take care!


Hi everyone, first off I'm sorry for the inactivity. The school year has not been kind and the search for a college is honestly not making it much better. However, I decided on a few changes. First I'm discontinuing the Soldiers of Azur Lane rewrite, it's honestly hard to try and stay true to the original story while making a new scene. However, to make up for it, I've also decided to start a sequel to the original story. I thank you all for your patience with the horrible upload schedule and I hope you all the best. Thank you.


@White_Tiger_1987 Hey White can you make the story with GuP and Ace combat please
            the main character OC character please while you work on the other projects?