
Guys please go cheap out "not you average hero: by my best friend  Hailey (wuzzlebear), just read her newest chapter and I can't believe it! it's a must read so lets help the story get tons of reads and votes!


haha I meant check xD go check her story out!


Guys please go cheap out "not you average hero: by my best friend  Hailey (wuzzlebear), just read her newest chapter and I can't believe it! it's a must read so lets help the story get tons of reads and votes!


haha I meant check xD go check her story out!


If anyone has the time, I would be very grateful if you check out 'MPS 1' it is very important to me and I want more people to know about this rare condition. I will be working on this for a little bit <3 also the next chapter of Crystal wolves is in the process of being written. So sorry for the delay but I had writers block and school essays due before christmas holiday. thanks everyone <3


Sorry that I haven't uploaded a chapter of 'crystal wolves' in a while, i'll try to write a chapter this weekend but I have 4 essays due so i don't know :(      In the mean time you can watch an amazing music called 'Rent' I have the songs stuck in my head and I just love it <3 thats it for now, sorry again!