I'm hoping this fresh, new account will allow me to be myself, in what I create. Don't feel obligated to read my stuff; it's terrible anyway. I'm more of a drawing person, myself. But, let's give this a go, shall we? ^_^ 

About: I do love cats. Cats are my life. I'm an aspiring ethologist. I hate school, but I work hard and get good grades. I have two, posssssibly three close friends. That's it. I also stay up way too late. And I'm not in shape. Seriously, running is not my thing. Band is my favorite thing in the world. Clarinets for the win. I care way too much about animals; I cry if I accidentally kill/injure an ant. I like plants, too. I have a Venus flytrap named Spike. I'm also a Disney fan. I really like wearing giant hoodies and sweatpants. My room is always a mess. Ah yes, did I mention I love cats?

Okay, too much information. I'll shut up now! 🙃
  • Neverland
  • JoinedSeptember 7, 2014
