
Me: "why do I feel so sick for no reason?"
          	No reason: up for almost 6 hours doing lots of housework already but haven't had any water yet 


I miss my childhood friend who I always played dollhouses with :(
          Playing dollhouses alone is fun too, but playing with someone else so they're also making up the stories is so much funner :( 


Don't want to be grown up anymore, wanna be in kindi playing with friends :( 


Cities be like: "inaccessible? How dare you say we're not accessible?! We even have an accessible entrance to our train platform!!"
          And then proceed to show you the "accessible" entrance which is 3 incredibly steep ramps at the very end of an uphill street whose ground switches from broken asphalt to gravel to cobble, and is also the furthest away from the ticket machine 


The problem with getting piercings is that once you get a specific one, you're going to think about how much free space there still is and how nice it would look if there'd be more :') 


And I originally already wanted the next one (when the snake bites are fully healed and all) to be tongue so like aaaaaaaa 


Like yes I got my snake bites pierced yesterday and they're still healing and all but also.. Angel fangs!!! They're so prettyyyyy I need 


When I, at ~13, tried coming out as a lesbian to my great-aunts, a sapphic married couple, they told me to "keep my options open" and "not to limit myself because I might change my mind and need to come out again". 
          And I followed their advice for 5 years. Only now did I go to my first csd as openly lesbian; and I haven't ever felt more happy, comfortable and myself! 
          So that's to say: coming out again because sexuality fluctuated is not going to do any harm! It might change, it might not, sometimes a certain label resonates and brings comfort, other times a label might feel restrictive or there just isn't one that explains it or feels right, and all of that is totally fine! But if something does feel right, not accepting yourself for the sake of others definitely will do harm- to yourself. And you do not deserve to feel uncomfortable or unhappy with yourself just to make others happy! 


That’s so great to hear <3 


I was thinking I'm hiding my involuntary regression so well, and then my dad came to visit and gave me bandaids with silly animals printed on them.. "Dad always knows" is spookily accurate  


@einfach_mo they're just on vacation on another bandaid! 


@Wh0re4Hugs sounds cute but I’m sorry for those who don’t have a head / legs…


@einfach_mo a pony but it doesn't have a head! And a butterfly and tiger and lion and elephant and crocodile and sloth and two flamingos but one doesn't have a head and one doesn't have legs!! 


I was giving my pup his goodnight belly rubs while super sleepy and distracted by reading, and I started wondering why his fur felt different than usual.. I was petting my blanket while pup was just watching confused pfft