
Hi all! We've been MIA this week! End of the semester/grad school finals hit us hard! and on top of that I've been battling laryngitis that's been wiping me out! 
          	We just posted the first part of the next Watchers and Wanderers stories called The Bite. We're trying to connect the stories together slowly and surely, while also trying to depict some mind controlling through the form. If you have any suggestions or feedback let us know! :)


Hi all! We've been MIA this week! End of the semester/grad school finals hit us hard! and on top of that I've been battling laryngitis that's been wiping me out! 
          We just posted the first part of the next Watchers and Wanderers stories called The Bite. We're trying to connect the stories together slowly and surely, while also trying to depict some mind controlling through the form. If you have any suggestions or feedback let us know! :)


Thank you so much for following our account ❤️ We hope you find some usage from us!  Our main way of helping the community is through our five book clubs.  If you want a quick overview of them, you can find one in the Book Club Guide chapter of our book, Dreamland Community.  Clubs are a great way to gain new readers!  If you are in search of a community where you can talk and interact with other writers, you may be interested in our discord!  You can find the link at the bottom of this message.  
          Aside from that, our Dreamland Reviews and Dreamland Help book are great for improving your writing.  Please forgive our slowness in updating though.  If your story needs any graphics such as covers or banners, we also have our Dreamland Graphics book!
          Even if you don't utilize any of our services, we are very glad to have you as a follower! We hope you have the best Wattpad experience possible. If you have any questions for us, don't hesitate to ask, whether here, in one of our books, or in pms! 
          Never stop dreaming! 
          - The Dreamland Team
          Discord Link: https://discord.gg/TekeVs7


Hello readers! 
          Family Ties is going to be published separate from The Bloodline since our goal is to create a compilation of short stories that could in turn be a novel. 
          Please leave comments, feedback, and criticism and as always, send over some stories for us to read, too :)


          The next chapter of Watchers and Wanderers is posted! The first part of Family Ties takes readers in a new direction as Milo, a young Naturalist-Wanderer, tries to teach a group of children that spirit-animals aren’t all that dangerous, but a mysterious voice warns him of troubles ahead. 
          (Will continue to edit and take feedback!)