
Hey guys! Long time, no see (literally, I've never seen any of you lol). Read my new story THE GOOD ONES, and I'll try to come up with a way to finish THE MENTAL TRIAL. I know it was short, but every story needs an ending so :) READ READ READ


Hey guys! Long time, no see (literally, I've never seen any of you lol). Read my new story THE GOOD ONES, and I'll try to come up with a way to finish THE MENTAL TRIAL. I know it was short, but every story needs an ending so :) READ READ READ


Hello followers, readers, fangirls, and all people! Normally, I update on my hone, but I'm in computer class at school and saw this update thing! So helloooo!!! I'm actually solemn as i write this, not as happy as the exclamation points infer lol. So have an amazing day, and continue to vote and comment (especially comment) and I will update tomorrow or the next day. May the odds be ever in you favor... whoops, wrong fandom :)