
Alright people, I am officially on summer break! I'm gonna start working on the next chapter, starting with the outline, then move on with the writing!


Hey guys. Sorry I haven't said anything in a while. Not only have I not had time to write, but I've gone through some life-changing events these past few months. I had a hard time with classes last semester, my pet ferret of seven and a half years died, was surprised with a new pet a month and a half after, and I started my spring classes. My mental health is at an all-time low, and I'm seriously thinking about how I want to move forward in my life. I do want to continue the story I started, but first I need to sort things out with my life.


@WaveOcean704 heyy js wanted to let u know ur not alone and I've had that time in my life and ngl it sucked, but if you need to vent or someone to talk to I'm always here, ik how helpful it can be for someone to just listen. here for u <3


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in over a month. College just started back up again and... ugh the math... But more importantly, I'm trying to still write the outline. In truth, this one's a hard one to write because it's based on a real experience of mine, but I'm trying to give it a happy twist (you can imagine how the real one went...). So no, it's not discontinued, just on pause.


Okay... I think I've made a decision. It's going to be a... Two and a half parter...? Something like that. I've got more than enough content for one chapter, and what's supposed to be the chapter after that would also be packed with stuff, so why not combine the last part of this chapter with the first half of that chapter and make that into a chapter?
          It could work. Y'all need something after so long honestly.


My story has reached 5000 views!! AHH!! Now, I know I haven't updated in two months. This chapter has been a BEAST to write, but I am attempting to write everyday to hopefully reach its end. But thank you guys for reading and hopefully liking the story! Let's got for 5000 more!


Hey guys! So tomorrow, season 2 of TSITP comes out and I just have to tell y'all that I will NOT be watching it. This is for my fanfiction's benefit, I don't want to accidentally change what I have and want to do to fit the narrative of that story. As I said in the notes section of my fic, if I proceed with a season 2, then it will be different than what the show presents. And since my fic isn't done yet, if there are any correlating plot points between my story and season 2, that is purely coincidental. Good? Alright.


I've been thinking about doing this for a few years now, and I think it's finally time that I remove the Secret Life series from my profile.
          The reason for this is because, although they've helped me grow as a writer in the earlier years, they no longer represent where I am now. I look back at those books, and it's like I'm reading someone else's work. It's kind of a disheartening experience really, but I was 15/16 when I wrote it, so I get it. Moreover, I know that at this point, I'm probably never gonna go back to writing these books, and I had a good story in mind too for them, except external factors in my life that happened around the time of the second book's release severely discouraged me from continuing. I tried in 2020, but then I just never came back to them. I moved on to other stories I wanted to tell.
          I still appreciate the story I made, which is why I'm not fully deleting them--just unpublishing them. Will this hurt my follower count? Possibly, but I still stand by this decision and I hope you guys understand where I'm coming from. I am so grateful that you guys stuck around and read my stories. Your feedback was amazing and encouraging. It's what kept me going as a writer. Hopefully you guys stick around to see my newer works.
          I love you guys :)


@WaveOcean704 Aww, that's good to hear! Thank you for being a reader, and it's amazing to hear that my work inspired you!


Your the Secret Life series inspired one of my books and it got me into watching The Secret Life Of The American Teenager