
Hey everybody! I hope you all are having a great day and I hope you have happy holidays and happy early new year! 
          	The reason why I am announcing this now is because I have decided to take a hiatus from Wattpad. I have been feeling super burnt out and the last chapter of my book was written almost 6 months ago. Oops. I want to improve for myself and I'm seeing 2024 as a blank slate and I believe that to fulfil my potential, I must take a small break.  The duration would probably be a few weeks to a couple of months. But one thing that I can promise is that I WILL finish my book, and hopefully this break helps me do just that.
          	This has been an amazing journey which I have gained new experiences and made a lot of new friends. Thank you for supporting me and my book! I hope you all have a happy NEW YEAR!


@Water_Lily713 Take care of yourself! Happy holidays! ♥️


@Water_Lily713 Please take all the time you need!! We want you to be at your best! Happy holidays ❤️❤️


Hey everybody! I hope you all are having a great day and I hope you have happy holidays and happy early new year! 
          The reason why I am announcing this now is because I have decided to take a hiatus from Wattpad. I have been feeling super burnt out and the last chapter of my book was written almost 6 months ago. Oops. I want to improve for myself and I'm seeing 2024 as a blank slate and I believe that to fulfil my potential, I must take a small break.  The duration would probably be a few weeks to a couple of months. But one thing that I can promise is that I WILL finish my book, and hopefully this break helps me do just that.
          This has been an amazing journey which I have gained new experiences and made a lot of new friends. Thank you for supporting me and my book! I hope you all have a happy NEW YEAR!


@Water_Lily713 Take care of yourself! Happy holidays! ♥️


@Water_Lily713 Please take all the time you need!! We want you to be at your best! Happy holidays ❤️❤️


Wishing all of you a very merry Chistmas! 
          I give you all have a great time and make amazing memories this Christmas. And if you don't celebrate Christmas, I hope you still have a great time.
          I can't believe how fast this year went, like in a blink of an eye we're already in December. I know I will make these last few days of 2023 amazing and I hope you do to! 
          Hope you all are well. And again have a very merry Christmas! :)


@Water_Lily713 Merry Crisis! (Christmas)


Thank your for voting for my revisited version of my first kailor ficlet, "at the first time", from my first kailor collection book, "drabbles & ficlets of kailor". Also, thank you for adding my first published book, "drabbles & ficlets of kailor" in to your kailor reading list on wattpad.


@Froziey no problem! I really liked the story. Kailor is also one of my favorite Ninjago ships :) 


cant wait for the next chapter!!


good luck!!


@Water_Lily713 ofc! school has been really crazy for me too! i’m still tryna push out chapters lol
            but ywww!


@XXxxharumixxXX working as hard as I can, school has been super hectic though. Thanks for the follow and thanks for the nice message. :) 


thanks for the follow and  YOU ARE THE HEIR OF SLYTHERIN !!!!! Nvm that uh your bio said - Opening the chamber of secrets and my reaction was like that . dam this is weird message


@Water_Lily713  LOL I'm in Ravenclaw ... Well Slytherclaw ....... Yea and Welcome ! 


@MultiFandomizedHuman LOL, I'm actually in Gryffindor, but being the heir would be kinda cool. Thanks for the follow back!  