
Does anyone else have this problem where you go to publish a new story or character and it said publish with unsaved changes even throw you hit the save button like five times before hand? If so does anyone know how to work around this other then go through the hole story and/or chapter and see if it actually publish it with all the changes you made to it.


@Warrjackk sorry if I didn’t respond back to you but just a simple update to the app fix it and got no problems with it anymore 


@DevinBates9 did you ever find a fix?


Does anyone else have this problem where you go to publish a new story or character and it said publish with unsaved changes even throw you hit the save button like five times before hand? If so does anyone know how to work around this other then go through the hole story and/or chapter and see if it actually publish it with all the changes you made to it.


@Warrjackk sorry if I didn’t respond back to you but just a simple update to the app fix it and got no problems with it anymore 


@DevinBates9 did you ever find a fix?


I learn something about myself over the past few days. If I'm go to wright something I have to sit down and wright or I never get to it. I also learn that I cant just make one chapter I have to make like 4 or 5 chapters before I can post something. With that being said I am working on a book right now and I have the first 4 chapters done and I'm working on the 5th so when I get it finish I well post the book