"What's your story?"

Everyone has a story, a past, some would like to forget their story and their past, but if it weren't for the past who would we be?

~Just a sarcastic, lonely, anime obsessed fangirl~

About me:

Name: Just call me Sarcasm
Favorite color: Blue
Hair color: Red
Eye color: Green/Blue (It changes)
Gender: Non-binary
Favorite subject: History and English
Hobbies: Video games, Writing, and Reading
Favorite Anime: Tokyo Ghoul
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: None of your business (Not trying to be mean)
Age: Why do you wanna know? O-o

Fair warning I am a new writer, I've been on wattpad for 2 years but this is a separate account and I never wrote anything on my other account. So cut me some slack please?
  • The Depths Of Hell c;
  • JoinedJuly 17, 2017