
          	Check out my new story!!! 
          	an Ironhide transformers story :) 


@WanderingHorseLover You're transformer story with ivory is soooo good!


Hello how have you been ? I was wandering if you check out My book yet ? Still got some Transformers, Spider-Man and Avengers ideas if you want to use them. Keep up the good work


Hi! Great to hear from you! I have not yet checked out your book, but I will certainly do so this week! I have been very inactive as of recently but that’s due to some big life changes I have gone through this past month haha. Now that everything is settling I will be getting more active! 


Hi! Would you be interested in a Merlin apply fic? You choose the role you want (there’s only one role left I’m afraid and that’s a villager, but they get a major part apparently) and make your character. Random people will be private messaged to tell them that they’re a sorcerer. They have to keep it secret. The author, @EstelElfstone, writes the story but if you think you know someone is a sorcerer you can PM her and accuse them! You may end up executed even if you’re innocent. So we have to find all the sorcerers before Uther is killed. 
          If you’re interested, the book is called One of Us is Lying and is by @EstelElfstone
          Just saying that place was available when I posted this if it’s not anymore then I’m sorry. 


Hiya :)