
Hey guys...sorry that I've haven't updated anything whatsoever
          	I've recently started to write a new Larry book. However, i haven't published any of it yet.
          	I've decided to write it this way so no one is disappointed if it discontinues
          	Once I've got quite a few chapter done, I'll start publishing them, but until then, I'll still be writing and saving them in drafts
          	Anyways, i hope y'all are doing okay. Xx
          	Treat People With Kindness 


Hey guys...sorry that I've haven't updated anything whatsoever
          I've recently started to write a new Larry book. However, i haven't published any of it yet.
          I've decided to write it this way so no one is disappointed if it discontinues
          Once I've got quite a few chapter done, I'll start publishing them, but until then, I'll still be writing and saving them in drafts
          Anyways, i hope y'all are doing okay. Xx
          Treat People With Kindness 


You have been chosen to be showered with love 
          So enjoy❤️
          Now post this to everyone’s wall, who you think deserves the world. 
          If you get, 
          1 back- ur loved 
          2 back- ur popular 
          3 back- ur one of the most lovable persons out there 
          9 back- wow i’m jealous 
          Don’t break this chain unless you want to break someone’s heart.