
I don't reply to personal messages much (since I'm mostly offline) and since I've been receiving some very strange and uncomfortable ones recently, I would be stepping away from replying to them at all for the while.
          	Again, I appreciate anyone asking queries about my work or engaging with me as an author and would still try my best to get back to them. Highly suggested to instead write on my announcement board (is that what this is?) than directly messaging me.
          	Thanks for understanding!


          	  Please follow, vote, and comment on my story 
          	  The Ugly Raccoon Dog in your reading list.


@Walker_19049 I’m sorry about what happened. Seriously what’s wrong with them? If they have time for this, just do their own things and stop bothering Walker Author San!! Walker San!! Just ignore them and do what you feel like!!


          	  Oh, absolutely! I love writing too much to give it up. And thank you so much for your kind words and support ❤️ They genuinely mean a lot to me 


Hello! Just quickly dropping by to ask when you'll update Wisteria Eye again! I love your work and can't help but read it again and again. No pressure! I hope you have been doing well lately!


Hey there! Thank you so much for giving my work I chance! I was reading your comments and I absolutely adore them! 
            I have just updated the same last night, so I hope that answers your question, lol.


I don't reply to personal messages much (since I'm mostly offline) and since I've been receiving some very strange and uncomfortable ones recently, I would be stepping away from replying to them at all for the while.
          Again, I appreciate anyone asking queries about my work or engaging with me as an author and would still try my best to get back to them. Highly suggested to instead write on my announcement board (is that what this is?) than directly messaging me.
          Thanks for understanding!


            Please follow, vote, and comment on my story 
            The Ugly Raccoon Dog in your reading list.


@Walker_19049 I’m sorry about what happened. Seriously what’s wrong with them? If they have time for this, just do their own things and stop bothering Walker Author San!! Walker San!! Just ignore them and do what you feel like!!


            Oh, absolutely! I love writing too much to give it up. And thank you so much for your kind words and support ❤️ They genuinely mean a lot to me 


Uhhhh hi it’s Friday are you going to update today?????


It’s ok I was just wondering if you would post don’t burn yourself out 


            Hello! I genuinely apologise for not posting the chapter yet but there will be a delay in posting the next chapter! I'll try my best to update by tomorrow or day after tomorrow! 


When do you think is the best time to upload? 
          Considering that I have already written in almost two new chapters of my fanfic the 'Wisteria Eyed', when do you, the readers, saddest I should upload it? 
          On the weekends? The Friday night? Or maybe some time in between the week? 


@2FLORROSADOS @Inktober_11 
            Those are some good suggestions! I'm thinking about updating it on Friday morning-ish IST on my end so that it is mid-week for the Western folks and weekend for Asian folks. Thanks for your suggestions! 


@Walker_19049 some time between the week would be cool


So, I was wondering about your Born in a taller World Fanfic. Is it okay if I can ask When you plan to work on it again...? (I just found it, and I'm really interested in it.) 


It's Fine, Thank you for telling me! I was really looking forward to it, and I don't mind waiting. But if you want to rewrite it and change it, That's completely Fine, I understand. 


            Ah, I'm so sorry to let you know but i might be dropping it as a fanfic since its a very hefty and detailed project that may take me years to complete. Instead, I'm planning to maybe turn it into an Original work of mine with the same storyline I have in my mind but changing the game characters.  
            Sorry for not removing it sooner, i will remove it by today. I genuinely apologise.


Hello author-chaaan~ pls bring back the Sinful KNY pic T__T I miss them so muuuch


@Zhax_Kastiya aaaw. Thanks for replying :<


            Sorry, dearie, but it's already deleted! As I had mentioned in its first page — I would delete it after a certain number of reads! 