
Thank you for adding my story to your reading list. I hope you like it. :-)


            Iloved your story so i add it to my reading list no need to thank me  


          I see you don't have any followers yet.
          Well now ya do!
          I just now Followed you!
          To get other Followers too, you need to get out there, read and comment on others works, and stuff.
          It also helps to put in the 'About part,' something about you too. 
          : )
          Find some works you like here on Watt, and make up some reading lists as well.
          Make your page inviting so other's will come and see you on it.
          If you have any Poetry you write, or like, make a List!
          When you share yourself with others, they in turn will share themselves with you.
          That's, I think is what Wattpad is all about. 
          Connections with like-minded people.
          Take care,
          and enjoy yourself!


Aww, *hugs* @Walaaagh, you are SO very Welcome.
            I will PM you later after I wake back up.
            Have been on my job all night, so gotta get some zzz's now.
            Don't know if you checked it out yet, but my BL writing book, "So Ya Wanna Write BL?" Has some pretty good stuff in it.
            Check it out and see if it can help you too.


@YaoiAngel13 thank you for following me and for all the advices you give me ❤❤


Also, I wanted to add, make some reading lists, and comments and votes on the stories you like.
          That is what I did when I first got to Watt.
          I met two of my very best friends on here too.


            Aww, you are most Welcome, and thank YOU for the well wishes too.


@YaoiAngel13  thank you so much  wish you the best