
Just quietly posting here (mostly for myself), but it's somehow now Dec 2023 and I'm feeling the strongest urge to write fics that I've had in a long, long time and it's all Star Wars fault-
          	Literally all I can think about lately (apart from some Sims 2 and a couple others things) is Star Wars stuff and I'm bursting at the seams with ideas I've had for years (shoutout to Dying Embers and some KOTOR 1 and 2 fic drafts) and so many new ideas. How may of them are going to actually happen??? Honestly who even knows because once next uni term starts, it's going to probably be brutal again. Here's hoping I actually end up writing a bit of something because I'm just so damn excited. I've always been nervous to write for Star Wars because I didn't know much beyond the films (which I've been watching for literally longer than I can remember) for a long time, but I've both been working on that and also realized that it's okay to not know literally every piece of a fandom's lore.
          	Also who was gonna tell me about all the awesome SW fics that have come out since I've last been super active on here????? Y'all are so damn creative, and it's so awesome to see


Just quietly posting here (mostly for myself), but it's somehow now Dec 2023 and I'm feeling the strongest urge to write fics that I've had in a long, long time and it's all Star Wars fault-
          Literally all I can think about lately (apart from some Sims 2 and a couple others things) is Star Wars stuff and I'm bursting at the seams with ideas I've had for years (shoutout to Dying Embers and some KOTOR 1 and 2 fic drafts) and so many new ideas. How may of them are going to actually happen??? Honestly who even knows because once next uni term starts, it's going to probably be brutal again. Here's hoping I actually end up writing a bit of something because I'm just so damn excited. I've always been nervous to write for Star Wars because I didn't know much beyond the films (which I've been watching for literally longer than I can remember) for a long time, but I've both been working on that and also realized that it's okay to not know literally every piece of a fandom's lore.
          Also who was gonna tell me about all the awesome SW fics that have come out since I've last been super active on here????? Y'all are so damn creative, and it's so awesome to see


if anyone wonders why it's taken me f*cking forever to post any chapters of literally anything, it's both because mental illness and also because i do things like play 90 hours of fallout new vegas in 12 days.


anyways with that in mind, maybe i should pull myself together and get something together ejsbeisge


it's almost 2 am and i'm finally finishing the editing of dying ember's prologue
          kinda got extremely into critical role and then back into the sims 3 again, and neglected doing actual writing instead of just thinking about it :/


@deviously_innocent Y E S, the dnd series with all the VAs!!!


@Vyxinn critical role as in the series? :0


on another note, just watched secrets of dumbledore and,,,, wow. the characters were still the bright points but the plot was confusing hot garbage and there were so many things that made me go "why???"
          overall, not any better than the hot garbage that was crimesnof grindelwald. i think i'm going to keep pretending the first one was the only one.


in wake of canada day,,,, yikes. please take some time to educate yourself on the full facts of canadian history and indigenous issues before you celebrate our "wonderful" country and stolen land too much. even if you're just celebrating for the sake of the holiday or whatever unrelated reasoning, it's important to know what's going on and what has gone on here.


^^ yes exactly


exactly, as a fellow canadian this is not a day of pride for us


like it was insane to me that people outside (and inside) of canada had ZERO knowledge of the residential schools and their horrors when the mass graves were discovered in kamloops


So it's March 2022 now??? I actually am here (I check my notifs every day and check out fics from time to time) but I'm still working on lessening my anxieties about posting and interacting with the community. I said that I wanted to be more active in the community way back in July 2021. Embarrassingly, that did not happen. Life (and the motivational slumps that accompanied 2020 and 2021) kind of got in the way. 
          I DO actually want to come back into the community and interact more. I joined WP in January 2017, but I didn't actually start using it until June 2017. Even then, I was just starting to discover the wild word of fanfiction and larger fandom stuff. I obviously got heavily into wattpad for a long time. I only had the courage to comment on a few fics and books (some of the comments I don't even remember) at the time, and not much has changed since then. But I've really found a passion for reading and writing again. I WANT to be active on here again and be part of the community. Maybe even make some friends on here. That would be nice. 
          Anyways, basically I don't know where the time went but I've been wanting to get back into actually reading (and writing) fics and just... yeah. Hopefully this all works out this time (and 2022 is a kinder year)! 


this was very awkward and nonsensical but here it is