
Damn, I have been lacking HARD, haven't I? I haven't forgotten, as a matter a fact the guilt eats me up. I wanna update so badly but I literally cannot find anytime. Break is coming up next week, though, so I'll finally have free time. I have been so damn busy i swear. I'm sorry for all the bullsht, those of you waiting for new updates I'm sorry and I'll get on it soon!!!


Damn, I have been lacking HARD, haven't I? I haven't forgotten, as a matter a fact the guilt eats me up. I wanna update so badly but I literally cannot find anytime. Break is coming up next week, though, so I'll finally have free time. I have been so damn busy i swear. I'm sorry for all the bullsht, those of you waiting for new updates I'm sorry and I'll get on it soon!!!


5.2K READS ON CORRUPTED???? I FKING LOVE YOU GUYS!!! Also, side note, I promise i haven't abandoned yall- School is really piling me up and I barely have any free time anymore. I write when I can, I swear but I haven't really had the window I need to properly take my time on a chapter. I'm really sorry, and I promise I'm still working on fixing a schedule or something so I'm not so overwhelmed. I haven't forgotten about you guys, I promise!!


@VxryBxrryBxnnie don't worry, school's tough so take your time <3


I apologize for updates being a lil slow! I'm updating 3 Years too much whenever I can bc its easiest with the time I have, but school started up again and I'm kinda tryna work in a schedule where I can update weekly so I'm sorry that my posts aren't as frequent. I'll try and update some more soon!<3