
Happy New Year everybody!


Hello Liisa,
          Thank you so much for following me!! I hope you enjoy reading my stories and poems as much as I love writing in them. They’re fun to create and I’ll update as soon as possible. 
          You’re amazing, thank you!! <3
          -- Fallon Elizabeth


Hello! How are you? I hope your day's going well! I just wanted to say thank you so so much for the follow! I really appreciate it!
          If you enjoy romance, teen fiction, drama and a bit of humour here on wattpad, you might want to check out my book "Bibliophile"! I've been working very hard on it so I hope you enjoy it if you decide to check it out! If so, any comments, likes or even reviews (if you think it is worth it) are deeply appreciated!
          Stay beautiful,
          ~ Grace xx