
You have some very interesting Stories, I just started writing Science fiction based Books and was wondering if you could give me feed back on my own 'Harmony' help me evovle as a Writer thank you ^^ 


@Bryan1089 Best of luck as you embark on the science fiction writing journey. I am very busy with both personal and professional commitments, so I cannot critique your work. I can tell you that if you continue to practice your writing craft, learn by reading other sf/f writers' books and by joining a positive writers' critique group - you're sure to improve. If you have the opportunity, writing classes and/or workshops are also helpful. Persistence really does pay off in writing, just like so many other things. But most of all, write sf (or anything else) because you love to do so. - Vonnie


hi kind of like this book


@dd4lgirl  I'm happy you liked it. I hope you'll check out some of my other stories.