
Hey sorry I've been on radio silence for a while, I've just been dealing with a lot of migraines, and I went to the dark area of my mind. I would rather not say how bad my depression has gotten...


Hello I am Rosie.. it is so nice to meet you! :) I was just wondering if you'd like to give my book 'Finding Honey' a try and leave your precious feedbacks for me to improve? I totally understand if you don't wanna read it.. just leave a small message so that I know you've received my message <3 
          here's the link : 
          thanks a lot.. you'll just make my day. :)


You like Hamilton and Percy Jackson, can we be friends?


@Neeks_fanboy I can tell that we will get along nicely


Oh Hullo there! I found your comments on my friend's Lams story. She said she really likes reading your comments. Anyways, I decided to check out your profile, and low and behold I found a PJO fan. Yay I found a Hamiltrash and a PJOtrash. so yea
          ok bye


@Jams_productions I use my big ass tablet, but I have chronic migraines, so it doesn't matter


Haha Anime series are so long. I taking a little break after binge watching so much of it. My eyes hurt from reading those tiny subs on my small phone and reading wattpad all day isnt helping either