One of Tesla's most surprising, most complex, yet sharpest predictions was that with the development of wireless technology, gender roles in society would change, women's visibility in the public sphere would increase, and our potential suppressed by patriarchy would be liberated. “It is clear to the trained observer – even to one who is not sociologically trained – that gender discrimination has continued for centuries, existed before the world war, and has become more severe afterward.
          	The difficulties that women experience regarding the concept of equality between genders will end with a new gender order and women will be superior. The modern woman, who can only superficially sense the development of her gender, is actually deeper and very important for the development of the human race.
          	Women will not first achieve their equality and then their superiority by being like men. They will achieve these only through intellectual enlightenment and elevation.”“From the very beginning, as generations of women were forced into social subservience, their mental abilities, which we know to have no less than men, were partially atrophied and this was inherited. However, the female mind has proven that it has mental abilities and that they can achieve what men can achieve, and in future generations, this capacity of the female mind will expand even more; The average woman will receive at least as much education as the average man, and even better education, as her mind, which has been dormant for centuries, will be reawakened and unexplored points in her brain will be discovered. "Women will ignore the past and shudder civilization with their development."


One of Tesla's most surprising, most complex, yet sharpest predictions was that with the development of wireless technology, gender roles in society would change, women's visibility in the public sphere would increase, and our potential suppressed by patriarchy would be liberated. “It is clear to the trained observer – even to one who is not sociologically trained – that gender discrimination has continued for centuries, existed before the world war, and has become more severe afterward.
          The difficulties that women experience regarding the concept of equality between genders will end with a new gender order and women will be superior. The modern woman, who can only superficially sense the development of her gender, is actually deeper and very important for the development of the human race.
          Women will not first achieve their equality and then their superiority by being like men. They will achieve these only through intellectual enlightenment and elevation.”“From the very beginning, as generations of women were forced into social subservience, their mental abilities, which we know to have no less than men, were partially atrophied and this was inherited. However, the female mind has proven that it has mental abilities and that they can achieve what men can achieve, and in future generations, this capacity of the female mind will expand even more; The average woman will receive at least as much education as the average man, and even better education, as her mind, which has been dormant for centuries, will be reawakened and unexplored points in her brain will be discovered. "Women will ignore the past and shudder civilization with their development."


Bazen bilginin ağırlığı insanın üstüne öyle çok yük olur ki insan adım atarken konuşurken sanki dünyaları sırtlamış gibi hisseder. Konuşmak ister ağzını açar ama ne fayda istediğini söyleyemedikten sonra saatlerce konuşsa bile aklı hala dudaklarını araladığı ilk andadır. yüreğinde ki nefreti kini ve üstüne yük olan bilgiyi atmak ister konuşarak, ağlayarak, kavga ederek. Bazen yalnız insanlar konuşmak için bile birini bulamazlar ama yüreklerinde ki ağırlığın gitmesi için bir şey yapmaları gerekir. Bu bazen saçma hareketlere sebep olur kişi suçsuz olmasına rağmen suçu kendine pay eder, hıncını kendinden çıkarır. Bazen de kendini çok sever asla kendine suç atamayacak kadar çok hem de o zaman insanoğlu nefretini her şeyden çıkarabilir. Bu bazen küçük  bir çocuk bazen masum bir insan olur çok nadir bir şekilde bir kaç cesur insan asıl suçluya nefret duyarlar.


Eskiden üzüldüğümde sinirlendiğimde ağlardım artık onu da yapamıyorum kimsenin laf ettiği yok sadece kendim kendime karşı çıkıyorum sanki kendimden ilgi dileniyorum ağlayınca olması gereken o değil mi zaten ben kendime ilgi vermeliyim bu niye bana absürt geliyor 


Mesela buradan yazdığım şeyleri kim okuyabilir ki maksimum 3-5 kişi göz gezdirir geçer ama bunları yazarken bile sanki birilerini rahatsız ediyorum üstüme ilgi çekmeye çalışıyorum hayır amk ilgi falan çekmeye çalışmıyorum kendi kendime konuşuyorum 


Normalde bir sorun olduğunda bunu dile getirmesini bilen bir insanım ama burada sorun direkt konuşmam olduğu için bu sorunu dile getiremiyorum ve paradoksa girdi kendi kendimi yiyip bitiriyorum bunun dışında başka dertlerimle var ama onlarda anlayamıyorum içimde birikiyor hepsi 


Özgüven sorunu olan bir insan değilim ama sanki artık var olmam bile çevreme sorun yaratıyormuş gibi hissediyorum o kadar arada kalıyorum ki bazen kendime hatırlatıyorum hayır bu böyle değil sen böyle düşünüyorsun sonra kenardan bir ses çıkıyor hayır kimse durduk yere böyle düşünmez çevrendekiler senden rahatsız oluyor sende bunu hissediyorsun