
So guys......... 
          	I'm back
          	And I don't know how to start and from where to start. 
          	But first thing that i wanna do is apologize because I accept the irresponsible behaviour from my side . As a writer, i know I should be punctual and regular but due to busy and hectic schedule , i was not able to update any of the stories. 
          	And therefore, I'm really sorry for this. 
          	Second thing, i know that during this time , i must have triggered some of the followers that i was gone from so long and the moment I came back , i started writing another story. So the reason for this is that I've lost the notes for those stories and all the parts are blurry in my brain. And thus, it would take some time for me to collect those peices and fix them together. And for this I apologise again. But rest assured because i will continue them back. 
          	Third thing, as I'm back now, i want to confess something. As you all know I'm in college now. And that's why I am occupied with assignments, files, projects and mid term activities most of the time. It is my second semester and all I did in first sem was to study. So now , i would also give my time to writing because why not!!. I've been missing you guys so much and honestly, i felt really guilty for not uploading . But then again,  I would try to be as much punctual as I can but I can't promise if I miss updating anyday. 
          	And last but not least, thankyou everyone for supporting me till now. You won't believe but the moment I opened Wattpad , i was happy that people still have faith in me and haven't left me at all. I'm really blessed and Thankyou everyone for this. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤


@Vkta795 sorry for being late


@Vkta795 am back too missed u


@lobtaetae (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)


Hey there Author,
          Sorry for posting without your permission but if you're taking reading requests then do check out my book "His Little Monster" in your free time. I hope you would like it.



Authorrrr where are you u again left us this is baddd very badd I'm  mad whyyy  r u doing this updatee nahhh come on we waited for a year almost again u left us 


@ska689 it has been almost 2 weeks now author when will u post 


@ska689 sorry dear. I'm caught up with a useless training and internship. It'll end this weekend . And I'll surely update the story again. 