
I have been ill for a week and it's not improving. I'll not write anything for,well, maybe long time. I just wanted to tell this. Anyway, take care.


Do you publish on Neobook ? 


@Vkdwivedi12 it's a bot advertising the apk neobook don't respond to it


@mavetrnec1pnrw6 my question is what is neobook. I searched and found that it is a similar platform as wattpad. 
            I only started writing here because of my grown interest after reading other fanfics. 
            I'm not really active on other platforms. I'm in last year of my school and am currently preparing for a competitive exam. We have mock tests every week along with monthly exams. I don't even have time to write on wattpad. 
            Anyway why the question bro?




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Well first of all sorry for going for too long. If any of you remember I mentioned that I recently had a test and well, my marks were shit. So I had to focus on that. I'm still going to be busy in my studies because it is my golden time and I can't just take it lightly. 
          So there will be no updates for some time. Let's hope that my marks improve in next test and I come back quickly. 
          Hope you will still read my fics when I come back. That's all I had to say. Let's hope to meet soon, till then take care.