
Hello, so I thought I deleted this account long ago but turns out I didn’t, I am very much alive and I have have changed quite a lot since then, I will be active on here again


Hi everyone, just in case if you're not having the best day just know that you are your best version of yourself and you're amazing. You are loved and strong. I am so proud of you for making it this far. You are a strong warrior that has been surviving/fighting this war that we call life. You're special and don't forget that, you're one of a kind. I love you all for who you humans are. Don't forget to eat and drink water, and most importantly don't forget to get some sleep. Take care of yourself because you're all royals/royalty! You're doing a fantastic job, keep it up!!


          Are you dead son? Are you my
          Dead gay son??
          Anyway hope ur alright :33 <3


            Hello, I'm alive. Sorry I haven't been on 


For some reason I have a small spark of motivation to write a new book. Welp time to write a book all night that no one will like. TwT  Wish me luck. Oh yeah one more thing, I gots good news, I got accepted into the highschool I've been wanting to go to for literally forever. It's a performing arts school. I'm so excited and so happy but yee. Later peeps -^- 


Is anyone alive? I'm quite bored •-•


We be time travelling


Here is some unconditional love and support,
          I have no clue who u are or what you're going through, but I know that all things in life are there to help you learn to be a better human being. My condolences for your loss, and know that she is somewhere good now.
          <3 love from around the world


@Janus_Stan Thank you for your kind words. May you stay safe. Much love towards you. Thank you for your kindness.