
You ever pull a really really long shift at work and then your whole body just aches? Like you feel nothing but soreness everywhere?


Can the people who are not class of 2020 stop making jokes about our graduation, throwing the fact that we might not get a graduation, or constantly throw in our faces the tenuous hold we have on what’s left of our senior year? It’s not cute, it’s not funny, it’s angering and we are getting to the point where I’m wanting to throat punch people who do bring it up because it seems that we are the only ones the governments aren’t trying to Find solutions for 


@ViolettaBane163 Why the hell do people make fun of that? I'm not graduating this year,but I know people who are. Thats messed up to make fun of.


Anyone else ever have days where you're just praying you don't get stuck in your own head?


You ever have the days when  you wish you weren’t sick but you got sick so now you’re struggling? 


Why should a school make seniors figure out their lives so that we can be graded and then told that it's unrealistic and we need to plan out our lives? In one day. 


@WednesdaysCoffin i can see you as all of that but nun. I can't see you that close to religion im sorry


@ViolettaBane163 So, they want you to account for every second of your life, and then somehow manage to also tell them what you'll be doing when you're dead? I would (nicely) tell them that they are idiots.
            Oh, I would happily be a librarian. :) I always scored stuff like librarian, teacher, counselor. I think once I was told to be a nun, that was a good time. :D


@WednesdaysCoffin a worksheet where we outline the rest of our lives including what happens after death. Its not okay im not okay no ones okay. The aptitude tests we took freshman year and i was pointed towards law every time. And i cam see you as a libraian if you didnt hafe the job you do