
You actually have the sweetest soul... You don't how much i cried over your kindness. Ik this might be weird to you but can you be my online mom(dad?) If no still thank you


@Violetsarepretty53 thank you i'm going to sleep well thanks to this bye mama


@Accio_Pepito  Your other mom can’t force you to be or not to be friends with anyone. You can have a few friends, that’s perfectly fine. Also, why should you transfer schools? You did literally nothing. It’s not your fault, don’t let her convince you that it is. I’m glad everything worked out for you and your friends!


@Violetsarepretty53 i talk to the one who "lied" turns out it was all just a misunderstanding thank you so much for your support mom. My other mom just kept saying it was my fault and trethened me to transfer schools if this school year i ever have another problem she says i can't be in a group of friends . That i HAVE to be like her and love EVERYONE. Is she right or am i?