
After 29649927390497 years (you didn't really read the number did ya) I am here once again. I've also decided to renew everything. So published (and unpublished) stories might be taken down for extreme editing and revising or just permanently removed. 
          	Going to be publishing a couple of new ideas as well. I've had for a really long long time and they've been collecting dust, imprisoned in the back of mind by fear and worry of never being good enough but now I HAVE FOUND THE LIGHT. 
          	So either be gentle in reviewing my works or tear 'em apart. Mind you, I meant the story. Critique it constructively and not in any way that could damage a persons self-worth. No one should go through something as horrid as feeling their confidence slowly get torn apart by some cowardly stranger hiding behind a screen name who has nothing to do beyond destroying others because they're miserable with their own lives.
          	With that said; don't be a bitch, smile like you just caught the snitch.


After 29649927390497 years (you didn't really read the number did ya) I am here once again. I've also decided to renew everything. So published (and unpublished) stories might be taken down for extreme editing and revising or just permanently removed. 
          Going to be publishing a couple of new ideas as well. I've had for a really long long time and they've been collecting dust, imprisoned in the back of mind by fear and worry of never being good enough but now I HAVE FOUND THE LIGHT. 
          So either be gentle in reviewing my works or tear 'em apart. Mind you, I meant the story. Critique it constructively and not in any way that could damage a persons self-worth. No one should go through something as horrid as feeling their confidence slowly get torn apart by some cowardly stranger hiding behind a screen name who has nothing to do beyond destroying others because they're miserable with their own lives.
          With that said; don't be a bitch, smile like you just caught the snitch.


Sorry for those who are waiting for an update on my stories (If there are any). I've been busy with school and I just can't find time to write. 
          I already have chapters that I can post but they're not really that good. I'll try to edit it as much as I can before actually posting them.