
I’m performing in a school play in 12 days and I’m so nervous already *cri*


I’m performing in a school play in 12 days and I’m so nervous already *cri*


Heyo people, I just got back from a  school dance (woohooo). There were a ton of snacks and I brought a giant purse so I can take as much home as humanly possible. Here is a list:
          4 bags of Fritos 
          3 bags of lays potato chips
          1 bag of lays barbecue chips 
          3 regular Oreo thingy’s (each pack has two so technically I took 6)
          1 golden Oreo thingy (it has two in it so I technically stole 2)
          I’m not sure what force compelled me to do this but I did lmao
          Btw the dance was amazing. It was hot and sweaty and most of the music was bad, but it was really fun screaming along to cringy awful songs with my friends and taking photos with them and other stuff. 10/10 dance.
          Also, I bet none of you’ve ever witnessed 100 something teens screaming the lyrics of let it go (and enjoying themselves while doing it) at the YMCA. I just did, and I was one of them
          Idk why I decided to write all of this since none of it really matters, oh well


@ViolentRoachJuice Omg I literally bet you haven't seen a bunch of kids doing the cupids shuffle-


@ViolentRoachJuice that food list is more than they serve at my school cafeteria- and you are so lucky D:



@ViolentRoachJuice Dw, I also did that
            I think it still works


@YourBestieAlorii I just signed it but I lied about my name location and literally everything, do you know if it will still work?


Oh wattpad is getting rid of private messaging-


I need to read a book for my English class, and in the book a dog dies a pretty messed up death; I don’t wanna read that book anymore 
          (The book is like based on a true story too ): )


@ViolentRoachJuice L imagine dying a messed up death could not be me


@ViolentRoachJuice idk all Ik about it is that a dog dies


@SparklePoops3 It’s The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind. I’ve never heard of Old Yeller, what’s it about?


I’m at my brothers soccer game rn and it’s raining and windy and awful. I’m holding onto my umbrella for dear life. Istg it’s gonna blow away and take me with it(◞‸◟)