
this message may be offensive
why do u guys comment stuff like “not reading allat” and “yeah that’s too much I’m skipping” etc every time there’s a long paragraph or something (y/n2 chapters are an exception, if uiu know uiu know). I totally understand if you wanna skim or just wanna skip entirely because, sure, u do u, but do you have to comment about it every time? whenever I see “skip” i wonder if the writing is actually shit or too much or something because it seems like so many people feel the need to express it. at least like…skip and keep it to yourself unless something is actually terrible and you need to communicate that to the author? also I understand wanting to skip long walls of text as well, the part i just don’t understand is mentioning that ur skipping it cause then what was the point of me writing it, lol. freedom of speech n all but yeah, idk why it just bugs me man :[


I actually hate people like that. 
          	  If I don't like where a fic was going I just drop it silently. 
          	  People like those are so annoying, I wish I could just punch them through the screen.


@VikingMetalToby thats just annoying for them to do- I know im late lol, I just started reading your stories.
          	  First one was the life with creepypastas!
          	  Its actually really good, plus i enjoy the random things that happen! Personally I prefer longer chapters because they just are my thing +less  time on ads...
          	  I hope you're doing alright now!


@VikingMetalToby Thanks I appreciate you too be don't listen to those fuckhead you doing good and Don't ever and I mean ever let those type of people bring you down! :3


Hello:D I wanted to ask if you already know when you will drop the New chapters of living with the Creepypasta and will the Walker get the cubes powers back in one of the chapters? (It will probably be extremely cool or traumatic for the Walker XD)


hi! i love all of your stories and just wanted to ask when we would see a new chapter of The Grim Son? that’s definitely one of my favorites and the cliffhanger sort of thing is driving me insane !! 


@deathknell i don’t know when I’ll come up with a new chapter but im glad you liked it. sorry about the cliffhanger though