
Hey everyone
          	This is an important notice regarding my books here. I have realised that I actually need a break from this platform for a while. Because of which I will be taking down my books because otherwise I keep coming back to check on your lovely comments.
          	Thank you for supporting me and being amazing readers. I hope you will understand that it is important for me to have this break.
          	I also understand that a lot of you have begun reading and some of you might also be re reading it, so I'll give you a couple of days to finish it. I will take down the books after 3 days from today.
          	Once again, thank you for being with me so far.


Hey everyone
          This is an important notice regarding my books here. I have realised that I actually need a break from this platform for a while. Because of which I will be taking down my books because otherwise I keep coming back to check on your lovely comments.
          Thank you for supporting me and being amazing readers. I hope you will understand that it is important for me to have this break.
          I also understand that a lot of you have begun reading and some of you might also be re reading it, so I'll give you a couple of days to finish it. I will take down the books after 3 days from today.
          Once again, thank you for being with me so far.