
Hey guys sorry it has taken me so long to update Please Remember Me but I've had computer problems & trying to transfer colleges (including orientation & finding a place to live etc) but I finally sat down & wrote chapter 15. I hope you guys enjoy it!! 


Hey guys sorry it has taken me so long to update Please Remember Me but I've had computer problems & trying to transfer colleges (including orientation & finding a place to live etc) but I finally sat down & wrote chapter 15. I hope you guys enjoy it!! 


Tomorrow marks two years since I had joined thinking that my stories would not be as popular as some on here, little did I know one story would go above and beyond my expectations. I appreciate every vote, every fan, and every comment that you guys make! I am so glad that you love my Supernatural story as much as I do! I sat down and worked on a new chapter as a gift to give my awesome fans, I hope you like it as I looked into new ideas and new character development. Thank you guys again from the bottom of my heart for being so loyal and being so patience on me because I take forever to upload something new. 
          Forever grateful, 
          Vampire Renegade aka Danielle Nicole Long  


Just updated my horror fic Secret Life please guys tell me what you think I promise it's starting to get better! Next is Please Remember Me as I've already got the idea for chapter 13 just got to sit down and write whenever that will be!