
I know I'm on break but when I come back (if I do) I don't think I will continue writing total drama.. I'm barely interested in it anymore. Sorry.
          	(I might start disventure camp books or find smth else. I will keep the total drama books up or maybe try and continue them)


@ValStealsBalls im in full support of ur decision but your td books will be missed!


I know I'm on break but when I come back (if I do) I don't think I will continue writing total drama.. I'm barely interested in it anymore. Sorry.
          (I might start disventure camp books or find smth else. I will keep the total drama books up or maybe try and continue them)


@ValStealsBalls im in full support of ur decision but your td books will be missed!


Like I wanna write but I don't... 
          I have a alenoah and tynoah fic to finish but I don't feel like it...
          I wanna start a new fic but idk what to make it


@ValStealsBalls so real. I have to many fics I need to finish but don't want to and idk whwt to write