@sesasaki I love this book already 


@sesasaki   I hope yoi finish writing it soon but i am currently reading Welcome to the Madhouse, the ebook version on my kindle


@VNESSA_N Hi Vanessa. I am in the midst of rewriting Hiro's Hardship and things are being changed. This time around, I don't think I will start uploading until the book is completed, so as not to disappoint people. Welcome to the Madhouse is being uploaded chapter by chapter, in the meantime! Hope you like that one!


Hi @VNESSA_N! Thank you for reading and voting on Welcome to the Madhouse! Much appreciated! ;D


@VNESSA_N Bud by the Grace of God is with an editor at the moment going through some fine polishing. I may be uploading some of it here. Thank you for reading and voting on Welcome to the Madhouse!I really appreciate your votes! ;D Have a good day!


@sesasaki  will you publish Bud by the Grace of God


Thanks for the vote on Chapter four! Glad you like it!


Hi Vanessa! Thank you so much for voting on Hiro's Hardship Chapter Seven I hope you like Chapter Eight! It was quite the hardship getting Chapter Seven uploaded so thanks for being patient and hanging in there! ;D


Hi Vanessa! Thank you for asking for an update. It seems there is something still wrong with my site. I could upload my next chapter but it won't publish for some odd reason. I have someone looking into the problem. Maybe Wattpad does not want me to publish any more and this is a subtle hint. ;D 
          I got my Kirkus Book Review on Welcome To The Madhouse back and I wanted to upload it to my site! ;D
          Please be patient. I am trying! Cheers, S.E.