
          	Hello, I would like to apologize for the sudden and long disappearance. Life has been unfortunate lately, which caused me to focus on many other things I deemed more important than my writing. But I've decided to slowly return to writing, and I've also decided to give 
          	The Monsters They Created and Torn By Two a revamping and well deserved rewriting as well. I've become slightly more comfortable and confident with my writing skills. So I hope you all will see this and come back to support me and my writing. I will be back with more updates and information, so stay tuned! 


          Hello, I would like to apologize for the sudden and long disappearance. Life has been unfortunate lately, which caused me to focus on many other things I deemed more important than my writing. But I've decided to slowly return to writing, and I've also decided to give 
          The Monsters They Created and Torn By Two a revamping and well deserved rewriting as well. I've become slightly more comfortable and confident with my writing skills. So I hope you all will see this and come back to support me and my writing. I will be back with more updates and information, so stay tuned! 


Hello everyone! This is mainly for people who don't have tiktok, don't use it, or don't watch mine, which you should do since that's where most of my announcements are made! Anyway, I just wanted to say that I currently have a short story for The Monsters They Created in the works and should hopefully be finished and publish this Friday, the 25th. All I can say is that it takes place in the past in 2015, so a year before anything that happens in The Monsters They Created. As for Torn By Two, I'm not sure when or if I'll continue to work on it the same time that I'm working on The Monsters They Created, as it's a pretty big workload to deal with while being in school. I also started writing Torn By Two way before I had most of it planned out, so when I finish planning most of it, I will most likely start to work on chapters again. But no promises,  I hope you all understand  and have a good night. -V.K.