
Canceling Artificial Plight.


Also, I can’t really write more of Colorless Misfortune until I have finished A Shadow Inside and the book after. Colorless Misfortune is supposed to be after that third book. The other books will be fine, so look forward to those.


I would say that being in the grasp of something that isn’t a someone is far more of a plight than the someone. It doesn’t tell you off, and it cannot hit you.
          Luckily, it isn’t a ‘someone’ it’s a ‘something’. For roughly the past two years, I have had this recurring sickness, and do not worry, it’s not cancer.
          I don’t know what it is.
          But it has come to torture me again, after I thought I was free from it. Three months should not be taken lightly when it comes to freedom, nor should any amount of time, should it be mere seconds, or years.
          And the past three months have been quite.. relaxing.. but freedom is finite, and so is life.
          You have to enjoy both things before they end.


Happy Pride. I hope everyone enjoys this month more than I do. Despite buying a bass clarinet, things haven’t been great.


this message may be offensive
Got writers block in the middle of chapter 2 and I’m considering using to help me come up with it, I’d have to make an entire new ai and then figure out my shit, sorry for the waits ‘._.