
Sorry if I haven't uploaded new chapters and stories. I'm going to take a break because I'm focusing on writing my thesis *research for my final project. Yeah I need to get my bachelor degree. It may take a pretty long time. See you later~


@Uzuhan good luck on your thesis! Sending well wishes your way!


Good luck with your thesis ☺️


@Uzuhan Best results for your thesis!


can u plz reccom me seme mc qt horror or transmigration stories raw materials is also fine 
          I just wanna read fluffy sweet novel if anyone can provide me names plz 
          I want devoted mc and ml fine if both are crazy and possesive over eo but no agnst and abuse 
          can u plz reccom me if uk some ...... 


Hello. Dear translated do you know about a story of a corrupted prime minister who time travelled back to past before his death.His daughter is the saintess or priestess and his son is a soldier. The ml is his enemy general .There is a dragon he makes a pact with. If you or anyone know this story please please please kindly leave the title in the comments.The story was deleted by wattapad and I forgot the name. Thank you❣


Could it be The Show Must Go On? It’s doesn’t really fit most of the description tho.


Sorry if I haven't uploaded new chapters and stories. I'm going to take a break because I'm focusing on writing my thesis *research for my final project. Yeah I need to get my bachelor degree. It may take a pretty long time. See you later~


@Uzuhan good luck on your thesis! Sending well wishes your way!


Good luck with your thesis ☺️


@Uzuhan Best results for your thesis!


Today is the funniest day ever. Have you ever been in the center of gossip in your village. Today I heard gossip about mine. Apparently some villagers think that I'm s*x worker/wh*re because I exercise at 04.15 am for an hour by walking/jogging (I know it still pretty dark here). But the sun rises at 5.30 and I'm a night person. I did not sleep at night so I sleep in the morning around 6 am. And recent years, the villagers found cond*ms in the rice field and river bank. Some villagers found a young woman/man together in the rice field or in shady area in the village. They tought I'm wh*ring/selling my self because I usually walking/jogging around the village including the rice field in the dark morning. Idk since when the news circulating around the villagers. I did this routine since COVID that I overthinkin my self -did the gossip start around way back then and I didnt know anything? Or this might be the work of someone in the village who hates me or my family. Because I'm introvert and have a little contact with the villagers but my parents kinda everybody friends (I'm not kidding).
          I feel funny (because I know its not true, heck I never date or kiss someone in my whole life lol) but I feel terrible at the same time. I dont think I can see my neighbor/villagers the same again.


@Uzuhan tapi kalo emang mau duluan sok atuh, nanti lu gak bisa nikmatin betapa nikmatnya street food dan makan didepan penjualnya langsung. Apalagi eomuk sma odeng panas panas. Beuuhhhh


@antjimin Ogah banget, jangan banget ada lanangan yang tiba2 dateng. Gak mau netap di desa lagi (serius nyari tempat yang nyaman dan berakal). -pola hidup agak ancur beberapa tahun terakhir, gak ada yang ngingetin masak dan makan tepat waktu atau jangan tidur tengah malem haha (makasiii dah ngingetin) 


@Uzuhan mungkin itu lanangan suka sama lu. Dan lu siap2 jantung lemah. Klo pola tidur kek gitu, pnya alesan apa se buru2 mo menghadap Tuhan?