
My mom kicked me out:/


My mom wants me to quit even tho I literally just started my job this week. Idk what to do. It’s getting irritating and stressful to handle her Nagging about my hours when they aren’t bad. 


@UwUMrsUzumaki why exactly does she want you to quit if you don't mind me asking? If it isn't for a good reason then she shouldn't annoy you about it 




I don’t know if I should find this sad, how I find internet strangers to be more like family and friends then my own blood family and friends. 


I feel the same tbh


I’m stressing out bad, I need advice. Where I live is very small, a lot of jobs are already filled or I can’t work the hours needed. My mom also said I couldn’t work far, which is about 15-20 mins away which also makes this difficult. There are no jobs that are walking distance that are hiring and for some you need a high school diploma, which I don’t have yet, which is also stressing me out. What should I do? I’m stuck and my mom isn’t making this better with the restrictions, she doesn’t want me to work with rude/disrespectful people but it really isn’t a choice atm if I want to live alone and get a car or something, it’s just holding me back. I have yet to get a first job because of her. I had an opportunity but I couldn’t completely get it because I needed a check up from a doctor with a signature but she wouldn’t book it. Now I’m stuck. 


@UwUMrsUzumaki I can try to help you if you still need but to help you I need to know your address which your most likely not able to share… but if you can dm me and I’ll try to help you


@UwUMrsUzumaki I'm so sorry about this! I can't do anything to help but I can pray that you can get a good job 