
Yikes I'm BACK 


"Ron... you're alive?" glenn asked, furrowing his eyebrows while his face was masked in disbelief. he couldn't believe the teenager that stood before him and attempted to kill rick was alive, but glenn wasn't the type of person to hold a grudge. he was tired of facing death, and relieved this boy didn't have to face death. 


//its okay hahaha :))
            hearing this statement caused carls face to turn red again, as he kissed Ron back, smiling lightly in the kiss. he leaned Ron against the wall again while reaching up, and with one of his large hands cupped one side of Ron's cheeks, making the kiss more passionate. 


@-glenn_rhee //same tho my bad.
            Ron pulled him back giving him another kiss. "Nah i like this side of you." He whispered in the man's ear


//aww crap you replied rip sorry I'm late. 
            carl gave him a warm smile, wasn't even realizing he was being aggressive with Ron. 
            "thanks, I'm sorry for being aggressive.. I just really wanted to, you know... " carl rambled, pulling away slightly as his face turned pink, rubbing the back of his neck. 