
Hello! my beautiful angels, 
          	I am stalking every person who is voting for my chapters . I personally want to thank each and every one who voted and commented thank you so much for letting me know you people exist ♥️. By the way, I wanted to know what you guys think of the climax. How do you think the book will end? 
          	PS: You know the book is nearing its end right?



Hello! my beautiful angels, 
          I am stalking every person who is voting for my chapters . I personally want to thank each and every one who voted and commented thank you so much for letting me know you people exist ♥️. By the way, I wanted to know what you guys think of the climax. How do you think the book will end? 
          PS: You know the book is nearing its end right?


Pls update soon author..ur writing skills are amazing...loved reading this book


@kiritiGoel There you go Kiriti! ❤️


@Unread_stories waiting for the update author 


Hi love you can expect an update in 24 hours 



Hi author,
          Hope you're doing good. We understand that you have other life and probably busy with ur works, so does we readers have other works too. Please let us know when u will update i guess we deserve to know that. I'm daily checking whether u have updated or not. If u give us some hints like u will update next month or somewhat like that we will be at peace. I will wait till u update that's for sure but I'm keep on checking whether you have updated or not. Its not settling good with me thats why. I hope u don't take it in a wrong way. Not to be rude just telling u...!!! We readers deserve to know thats it. 
          Thank you❤️


@Jenikim7 thank you so much❤️


@Jenikim7 Hi, First of all that’s not at all rude. U know how happy I feel that u gave time for my story everyday thank you. I know how frustrating it is to wait for an update I really am sorry you can expect an update by the end of the month promise! ♥️