
Sorry I haven't been online for a while


A cake have to be mixed and baked. It may be dizzying, hot and annoying but only then it can be a delicious cake. So does humans, no successful person is a dough sitting in the corner. It's the rockheaded ones that have been through a harsh process each and every day but refuse to give up.
          Happy 2022! hope life be nice to you and shove all the happiness and luck around to you ^^


Omg I'm rlly pissed
          So if u don't know I'm in the process of starting an earrings business. I've been working for months hours every day perfecting my products, trying my hardest on logos, buisness cards, social media research, stocking, mailing and everything. I find out one of my best friends, who I asked for advise thinking I can trust has stole my idea and started her own. She is selling earrings via a WhatsApp group chat. She stole my content ideas which I spent hours researching and making.
          One thing I learnt :don't tell anyone ur plans because ur closest friends will betray u 


@Sophia17Rantot nope. I blocked her. My mom said it will be some "healthy competition" but that was a toxic ass thing to do 


@UnknownAleesax_ god that sucks 
            are y'all still friends?


@UnknownAleesax_  never trust anyone, trust is a dangerous game