
Prior to the rumors, "Undiscovered Wonders" WON'T be going through dramatic changes but rather different behind the scenes operations. We are still about the Undiscovered Writers of Wattpad and that isn't set to change. We apologise for any confusion. 


'Undiscovered Wonders' has currently been brought down for technical issues and other problems. Please bear with us whilst we will be working hard to get it back on the track it was intended for. My apologies to everyone that had high hopes for this. I do too, and I will be working hard to bring it back better. My sincerest apologies, @Kotkoda. [All messages and questions should be forwarded to the private user.]


There has been a small change to the voting rules, which shouldn't affect anyone yet since voting hasn't technically opened. However, we just wanted to let you know so you wouldn't be confused when October 31st finally rolls around. (=
          You are allowed to vote for as many stories on the Entrants page as you like, but only once per work. If you have questions, see the section titled "2017 - Competition #1 Round ENTRANTS." Good luck!


Sorry for the confusion, but there's been a small but important change to the entry requirements. Your story must have at least 5 parts *or* be complete. This helps us in grading. If you are confused or have questions, see the fifth section of the book and then contact us. Thanks for understanding!


Hi Everyone. WayPaver @Kotkoda has returned from holidays which means that will going ahead with full steam. If you have stories, please PM a link so it can be compiled into a book. Also, we are finalising stickers so stay tuned ☺ Many thanks for those interested in becoming a WayPaver too! We've been inundated and have a few of us on board now. We will expand once we have a bigger community. There will definitely be plenty of opportunity for input though!


Hey, everybody! We just wanted to thank you guys for all of the views, votes, follows, comments, and shout-outs to us from your own profile. We're really passionate about this, and we know you guys are just as excited as we are! We just wanted to let you know how much you guys are appreciated. (: