
          	It's annoying, if you aren't gonna talk don't say something to me. You ignoring me is what makes me want to slice my thighs and my wrists. I can't however, after all 'm terrified of my mom and her anger issues. I told her once about it all and she told me if I do I'd get beat Like. Thanks for the support mom. That makes me want to stay a whole lot more. I ripped skin off of my arms with my nails, still got the red marks. Though it's none of your problem at all, just thought that maybe saying all of this could calm my angry mind. Calm me down just enough so I can have a normal conversation with people close to me without hurting their feeling. It's hard being the oldest and the middle one, I hate having so many responsibilities that I don't feel like a kid, I feel more like an adult. I grew up to fast. I have no right to complain as most of you probably have worse than me. All my friends are either depressed or always upset and angry about something. I don't deserve a calm time, everything needs to be chaotic so I can finally explode with everything I am. One day they won't be able to pull me off of my brother. One day they won't find where I ran way to, soon I'll run far from this hell and find better people that understand me. At this point a mental hospital sounds better than being looked down upon and laughed at for having episodes of mental breakdowns. I only got a couple of people that are really stopping me from letting go. 'M only here because they deserve the world and more than I could bargain for. If I do let go, I hope my lover can handle it. I hope my baby brother gets out of that damned house.. And I hope my uncle gets his surgery. I know they can stay strong without me being there. I just hope that me going away won't truly cause them harm, they wouldn't deserve to be in such pain. I feel so dumb half of the time, people raise anger in their voice and I instantly cry and flinch, being in a toxic household has it's downsides I guess.


          It's annoying, if you aren't gonna talk don't say something to me. You ignoring me is what makes me want to slice my thighs and my wrists. I can't however, after all 'm terrified of my mom and her anger issues. I told her once about it all and she told me if I do I'd get beat Like. Thanks for the support mom. That makes me want to stay a whole lot more. I ripped skin off of my arms with my nails, still got the red marks. Though it's none of your problem at all, just thought that maybe saying all of this could calm my angry mind. Calm me down just enough so I can have a normal conversation with people close to me without hurting their feeling. It's hard being the oldest and the middle one, I hate having so many responsibilities that I don't feel like a kid, I feel more like an adult. I grew up to fast. I have no right to complain as most of you probably have worse than me. All my friends are either depressed or always upset and angry about something. I don't deserve a calm time, everything needs to be chaotic so I can finally explode with everything I am. One day they won't be able to pull me off of my brother. One day they won't find where I ran way to, soon I'll run far from this hell and find better people that understand me. At this point a mental hospital sounds better than being looked down upon and laughed at for having episodes of mental breakdowns. I only got a couple of people that are really stopping me from letting go. 'M only here because they deserve the world and more than I could bargain for. If I do let go, I hope my lover can handle it. I hope my baby brother gets out of that damned house.. And I hope my uncle gets his surgery. I know they can stay strong without me being there. I just hope that me going away won't truly cause them harm, they wouldn't deserve to be in such pain. I feel so dumb half of the time, people raise anger in their voice and I instantly cry and flinch, being in a toxic household has it's downsides I guess.


this message may be offensive
Woah a vent no one will see! Do keep in mind this will probably be triggering so steer away if you can't handle things triggering things! That sounded rude apologies anyways. 
          •Vent start•
          Mother's Day.. The day I get harassed into being kind to people who hurt me. I fucking hate my stepmother and all the guilt tripping I get from her not adding the emotional abuse she gives me. The fact that everyone thinks that 'm the rude one for denying telling her 'Happy Mother's Day' are the issue.. 'M not her kid and I never will be. You can kiss my ass on that one, I won't be forced to do all these things for a bitch who can't even support my pronouns and name. She assumes that I can't like women because I've never had sex with them. Well no shit, 'm literally a child and you are telling me that I have to have sex to have a happy relationship? Sorry that I don't spread my legs like a whore like her. Fuck everyone and everything, 'm tired of being used for babysitting and chores when no one else really does anything. People need to go outside and touch some fucking grass. This vent seems stupid and annoying but honestly between my family issues plus my deteriorating mental health I think there is no difference, if everyone wants to help with poor mental health then people should want to help me get the fuck out of here. I got off topic, this originally was gonna be about hating my parents and step parents, but I decided to throw a fit instead. 
          •Vent ends•


@Niki-NiAchU yikes I failed at the introduction yikes


I'm so tired, give me a kiss so I can have the motivation to get up. U-U


@Niki-NiAchU it was supposed to be a heart struck emoji but I forgot wattpad sucks T-T


If one was to noot noot, what would be the answer to question 5 on the test of commandments? Or would one have to sleep until sunset due to their grandma breaking her hip? If all of this is said and done, how many apples does Greg have? 


@QueenKadydid Zero actually, Greg's apple dealer died.